Drinks You Should Avoid For a Healthier Lifestyle

A sugary drink is any drink that has added sugars such as sucrose, fructose, glucose or artificial sweeteners like aspartame and don’t also have positive nutrients such as vitamins or proteins. Sugary drinks are sources of empty calories that fail to provide other benefits. They are linked to obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and tooth decay. There’s no doubt that sugary drinks aren’t good for you. These drinks are loaded with empty calories and have been directly linked to weight gain, obesity and related diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Some research suggests they may even increase your risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke beyond what would be expected from the amount of sugar alone. That said, drinking them in moderation probably won’t hurt you, especially if you substitute them with something healthier. Here is more about why you should avoid sugary drinks.

Sugar and the negative effects on your body

Sugars are the basic building blocks of life, but when consumed in large quantities, they can also cause damage to your health. There are various types of sugars, including glucose and fructose. When they are consumed in moderation, they are metabolized by the body. However, excessive consumption leads to a build-up of blood sugar and a host of negative effects on the body. The most common negative effects of high blood sugar levels include Weight gain: Excessive blood sugar results in fat storage and weight gain, particularly around the abdomen where it can lead to the “apple” shape characteristic of people at risk of heart disease. When the body is overwhelmed by sugar, it produces insulin to help process it. Over time, the body becomes less sensitive to insulin and can’t process sugar as efficiently. This can lead to type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

Sugary drinks and tooth decay

Sugar has a direct negative impact on tooth decay. When consumed in large amounts, sugars cause bacteria in the mouth to produce more acids that lead to tooth decay. Sugary drinks are acidic and can significantly increase this risk. Bacteria are naturally present in the mouth but are kept in check by saliva, which is mildly alkaline. When you drink a sugary beverage, the bacteria react with the sugar in the drink to produce acids. The saliva in the mouth is not strong enough to neutralize the acid, so it is left to attack the tooth enamel. This can produce white or brown spots on the teeth and, in the worst cases, can lead to cavities. Drinking sugary drinks with a meal can increase the risk of tooth decay as the acids in the stomach are more likely to enter the mouth. This is especially true if you eat while drinking through a straw a common habit of many people who regularly drink sugary drinks.

Sugary drinks and weight gain

Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer and osteoarthritis. Excessive sugary beverage consumption has been linked to weight gain and obesity. The most likely culprit is the high sugar content. Studies have shown that individuals who drink sugary drinks are at a higher risk of becoming overweight than those who avoid them. One study found that people who replaced sugary beverages with water or low-calorie drinks lost more weight. The scientists concluded that water and low-calorie drinks are more satiating and have a stronger effect on weight loss than sugary drinks.

Sugary drinks and diabetes risk

Moderate and occasional sugary beverage consumption doesn’t appear to increase the risk of diabetes. But, frequent and excessive sugary beverage consumption may increase the risk of diabetes in people at high risk for the disease. One study found that people who drank one sugary beverage per day were 20% more likely to develop diabetes compared to those who didn’t drink any sugary beverages. Another study found that people who drank two sugary beverages a day had a 48% higher risk of developing diabetes compared to those who didn’t drink any sugary beverages. These studies suggest that while moderate sugary beverage consumption doesn’t increase the risk of diabetes, frequent and excessive sugary beverage consumption does. The sugar in sugary beverages may explain why frequent and excessive sugary beverage consumption is linked to the development of diabetes. The body breaks down sugar into glucose, which is then absorbed into the bloodstream. But it doesn’t produce enough insulin to process all of the glucose, which leads to increased blood sugar levels. Over time, this can lead to insulin resistance, which is associated with a higher risk of diabetes.


Sugary beverages are bad for your health. They have been directly linked to weight gain, obesity and a higher risk of diabetes. Sugary drinks are also bad for your teeth. They can cause tooth decay and lead to changes in oral bacteria. They can also lead to metabolic changes that increase your risk of diabetes. If you wish to avoid sugary beverages, you should drink water, tea or coffee instead. You can also opt for low-calorie beverages such as diet soda and diet iced tea. When eating out, you can ask for water instead of sweetened beverages.