Keeping Fit at Home with a Treadmill
Working out at home with a treadmill is an excellent way to stay fit and reduce stress. It’s easy to feel self-conscious working out in your own home, but your house is the perfect place to be alone and get in some exercise. Working out at…
1741What Does Hula Hooping do for You?
Hula hooping has become quite a popular trend in the last few years. And why not? Hooping is an amazing workout that makes you sweat like anything. It targets your entire body and improves your balance, coordination and flexibility. It tones…
1237Common Health Concerns for Women
Middle age might seem like a happy time to settle down and focus on family, friends and hobbies. But it’s also the decade when your body undergoes big changes and not just the ones you see in the mirror. If you’re over 40, you’ll probably…
1205Low Testosterone Symptoms and Solutions
Low testosterone, or low T as it’s commonly known, is a common problem among men. As we age, our bodies produce smaller amounts of the sex hormones that give us our manly features and drive. While this is natural, for some men the reduction in…
624Mind Body and Soul Retreats Around the World
Imagine leaving your world for a few days and completely unplugging, leaving behind all the stresses of life. Getting away to an exotic destination with like-minded people can be so liberating. It’s like taking a break from real life and going…
622Regular Exercise Reduces Inflammation in the Body
Regular physical activity is one of the most effective ways to reduce inflammation in the body. Exercise reduces stress and anxiety, lowers blood pressure, and improves blood vessel function. It also promotes a healthy metabolism and protects…
564Benefits of a Detox Juice Cleanse
There are many benefits of a detox juice cleanse. These cleansing programs offer you the perfect opportunity to get rid of toxins and other harmful substances from your body in a natural way, as opposed to taking pills or drinking some other…
633How to Get a Good Night's Sleep
When you’re sleep deprived, everything feels harder to do. Everything. It might seem like the sleep-deprived person just has more difficulty accomplishing things because of their lack of sleep; however, that is not actually the case. When…
636How Does Lack of Sleep Affect Well-Being?
When you don’t get enough sleep, it can have a negative impact on your life. Lack of sleep has been linked to many health issues, from weight gain and increased risk for type 2 diabetes to accelerated aging and an increased risk for…
604The Impact of Stress on Your Health
Stress is a natural response to challenging situations, such as an interview or exam. But prolonged stress can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health. Stress has been linked with a number of medical conditions and can make…
615Why is a Sedentary Lifestyle not Good?
A sedentary lifestyle is a major concern nowadays in modern society. People have to spend a lot of time in offices, drive cars instead of walking, use escalators and elevators instead of taking the stairs, or sit at home and watch TV instead of…
523Golf, the Ultimate Individual Sport
If you're an avid golfer, it's likely that you've heard this statement before. Golf is a unique sport in many ways, and perhaps the most notable of these is how unlike any other sport it truly is. Sure, we can examine the details and…
706Why is Smoking So Bad for You?
Smoking is a habit that has become less and less acceptable over time. As a result, it has also become less common, with fewer and fewer people smoking in public spaces or at work. However, it is still the leading cause of preventable death in…
715Effects of Excess Drinking on the Body
Excess drinking can have negative effects on the body. Although alcohol is a legal drug and drinking in moderation has been shown to have some positive health benefits, it is still possible to drink too much. When you drink more than the…
740Famous Wellness Retreats in Thailand
Thailand has fast become the ultimate destination for anyone looking to get away from it all and take time out for self-care. The country’s incredible natural beauty, aroma therapy, yoga, meditation and other holistic healing practices have…
631Eco-Friendly Retreats in New Zealand
New Zealand is home to some of the most stunning and unspoilt nature. The country’s diverse landscape and unique flora and fauna make it the perfect place for an eco-friendly retreat. From coastal getaways to rainforest lodges, luxury tree…
649What Exactly is a Thermal Spa?
Thermal spas are also known as hot springs, which are natural geothermal springs that contain water at a high temperature. The thermal waters at these spas have a temperature of around 40°C and higher, which is much hotter than the usual human…
1384Types of Massage You Get at Health Spas
Massage is good for you. It’s good for your body, mind and soul. In fact, massage is one of the most accessible and affordable ways to maintain your health. With so many types of massage available, you may be wondering which ones are best for…
539Hydrotherapy Treatment at Health Spas
Hydrotherapy is the use of water for healing. As a part of spa services, hydrotherapy provides physical and mental benefits for clients. It’s particularly helpful for people who are stressed or have high levels of stress hormones. Hydrotherapy…
554Strength Training for Muscle Power
Strength training is an important part of any athlete’s training program, as it can help you to become faster and more explosive. Strength training for athletes involves the use of resistance to build strength in a specific area. This can be…
1154Time to Talk about Men and Heart Disease
Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in men. According to the centres for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease killed over 415,000 men in 2013. That’s why it’s important to know the risk factors and signs of heart…
646Common Health Concerns for Men
Men in their 40s are typically at the peak of their professional and personal lives. They also have additional stressors that come with being in your fourth decade. For example, men in their 40s are often beginning to think about marriage and a…
667Mindful Tips on Navigating the Menopause
It is no secret that menopause is a challenging time in any woman’s life. As you get older, your body and mind go through several changes to get ready for the next phase of life. This transitional period can be quite unpleasant, as it is often…
982Does your Child have Influenza?
In the U.S., flu is generally not a risk for children until after their first birthday. However, every so often there’s an “off-season” and flu strikes kids as well as adults. If your child gets sick with flu-like symptoms during influenza…
771Kids are prone to Chicken Pox
Chickenpox, also known as varicella, is a common childhood disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). It causes pimples that break and ooze fluid. They become itchy red spots, which are called vesicles. These eventually burst, dry up…
707Fruits You Should Be Eating Every Day
Fruits are the perfect way to end your day. Not only are they rich in vitamins, minerals and unique plant chemicals called phenolic compounds that have antioxidant properties and have been linked to reduced risk of chronic diseases. Eating…
1189Dance as a Form of Endurance Training
In this day and age, it’s not uncommon for people to dread going to the gym. This is particularly true for people who have a natural aversion to exercise or those that train in other high-impact activities such as basketball, football, hockey,…
1463Ovarian Cancer is a very Common Disease
Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common invasive gynecologic cancer and the fifth leading cause of death from gynecologic cancer in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2018, approximately 22,440 new cases of ovarian…