Is Jogging the Best Form of Endurance Training?
If you’re training for a half marathon, a 10K race or another endurance event, chances are you’ll need to do some kind of training to improve your ability to run for longer distances. While there are many kinds of different workouts you can…
1144Vitamins to Support Your Immune System
When the weather turns chilly, your immune system takes a hit. You’re more susceptible to catching colds and the flu, and you’re also at risk for developing chronic conditions such as asthma, arthritis, and diabetes. Vitamin deficiencies can…
1130Risk Factors of Diabetes in Women
Women have unique challenges when it comes to managing their diabetes. From logistical challenges like finding a restroom and dressing appropriately, to physiological challenges like menstrual cycles and pregnancy, women with diabetes face…
1277Physical and Mental Benefits of Playing Basketball
Basketball is a fast-paced and exciting game that can be played by people of all ages and genders. It’s also not as physically demanding as other sports, so it’s an excellent choice for people looking for something to do in their spare time…
596The Dangers of Processed Meats
When you begin to cut back on processed foods and focus instead on whole, unprocessed ingredients, you’ll soon find that many packaged and pre-prepared options contain hidden preservatives, artificial flavourings and other additives. These…
733Why is Football the Most Popular Sport?
Football, or soccer as it is commonly known, is the most popular sport in the world. It is also the biggest. According to a report published by FIFA and market research company NewZoo in January 2018, Football remains by far the most popular…
754Prostate Issues in Middle-Aged Men
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men and the majority of them will be diagnosed after the age of 60. As men grow older, their prostate gland grows as well. It is a normal process in every man’s life, but certain factors can…
647How Does Too Much Salt in Your Diet Affect You?
A high salt diet can lead to a variety of health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. High blood pressure from salt can also increase your risk of developing kidney disease or chronic kidney failure. That’s…
614Beans are a good source of Super food
Beans are one of the most affordable and accessible sources of protein, fibre, and other important nutrients. They are also very versatile. You can cook them in so many different ways they’re great on their own as a side dish or as part of the…
1362How to Perform Strength Training at Home
Strength training is a widely accepted practice for increasing strength and preventing injuries. However, many people shy away from it due to the perception that it’s something that can only be performed in a gym with weights or by using…
702A look at Target Cell Lysis
The immune system is the body’s defence against foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria. The immune system also helps protect us from cancerous cells. Reducing the risk of contracting a disease is known as immunity, which can be achieved…
631The Health Benefits of Using a Sauna
Saunas have become increasingly popular in the last few years. With their reputation as an excellent way to lose weight, it's perhaps no surprise that more and more people are investing in home saunas. But what do we know about the health…
657Diabetes in Men is a real Threat
Men are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than men of any other demographic. The prevalence of the disease is more than double in men than in women. Why? Researchers haven’t been able to pinpoint a single reason for this gender gap, but…
770What Does Endurance Training Entail?
People think the term ‘endurance training’ means running non-stop or some other crazy, tough physical activity. And while that may be partially true, endurance training is much more than just being tough. In fact, it’s one of the most…
612Anatomical, Physiological Barriers and Bacteria
The immune system is instrumental in defending our body against foreign intruders, such as viruses and parasites. An efficient defence requires a high number of different immune cells. The immune system must also be able to recognize…
646The Science Behind the Modern Jacuzzi
With its shimmering blue waters and whirlpool jets, the jacuzzi is one of the most romantic luxuries in a home. But despite being an icon of relaxation and tranquility, this hot tub is anything but boring. The modern jacuzzi has come a long way…
1733Exploring the Adaptive Immune System
The immune system protects your body from illness and infection. It does this by recognizing abnormal cells or microorganisms (such as bacteria) that may cause disease, and then triggering the production of specialized proteins called antibodies…
680What Powers Different Types of Sauna?
Taking a Sauna is a traditional activity that dates back thousands of years. It is used as an escape from the real world, to cleanse our bodies from toxins and stress. A sauna is an isolated room with high humidity and heat which can be done…
1122How to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction, commonly known as ED or impotence, is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sex. It’s a very common condition affecting over 40% of men at some point in their lives. This article covers the different…
571Can Ballet Classes Make You More Supple?
The ballet is a graceful dance form that demands strength, stamina and flexibility. The stretching motions and the fluid movements require an extremely supple body for efficient execution. Ballet training can make you more supple because it…
1146The Relation of Inflammation to the Immune System
The human immune system is a fascinating and complex network of cells and antibodies that work together to defend the body against foreign invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and other microbes that could cause disease. The…
606Prostate Cancer Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and More
In the over-40s, men should have a discussion with their GP about prostate cancer. It is important to be aware of the risk factors and signs and symptoms of prostate cancer. It’s also important to understand how common this type of cancer is…
584What is an Innate Immune System?
The innate immune system is the first line of defence against pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses. Similar to a security guard, the innate immune system is always listening for danger signals. When it hears them, the innate immune system…
564Bronchitis is very common in Children
Childhood is a time of rapid growth and development. Children are learning how to take care of themselves, manage their independence and make healthy choices. At the same time, children have much smaller airways in their lungs than adults do.…
661Learning to Surf, an Adrenaline Rush
Learning to surf is an awesome experience. It’s challenging, exciting, and rewarding. If you’re someone who has always wanted to learn how to surf but just hasn’t had the opportunity, we have some excellent news for you! There are many…
526Heart Attack and Strokes are Common in Men
Men are more likely to experience a heart attack and stroke than women. Men are prone to these conditions for a few reasons, and how you live your life can greatly impact whether or not you develop them. Men have a higher risk of heart disease,…
701How Practicing Yoga Can Increase Flexibility
Flexibility is a challenging thing to achieve. Many people struggle with it, even as adults. So what do you do? How can you increase your flexibility? There are many techniques and programs out there, but one that has proven beneficial time and…
1178Drinks You Should Avoid For a Healthier Lifestyle
A sugary drink is any drink that has added sugars such as sucrose, fructose, glucose or artificial sweeteners like aspartame and don’t also have positive nutrients such as vitamins or proteins. Sugary drinks are sources of empty calories that…
663The Many Benefits of Taking Dance Classes
In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. You might find yourself going to the same coffee shop every day, or watching the same TV shows over and over again. But what if you could shake up your routine and take your life from…